SYICCN is a non-profit organization that advocates and supports Youth, aged 14 – 24, in or from foster care/young offender systems. Located in Regina, the SYICCN is mandated to help set up local ‘networks’ throughout Saskatchewan and develop strategies that empower youth in and from the system.
Youth who are currently in or from the foster care system/young offender custody are the primary participants of the youth in care network. The SYICCN works towards a goal for educational development and healthy nourishment in the lives of these young people through educational workshops, speaking panels, youth run projects, recreational and other activities and positive peer support. Alongside this we aid in the development of youth run support groups-local “youth in care/custody networks” across Saskatchewan.
At a deeper level, the SYICCN mandate sees to it that youth in care and/or custody are able to find their voices within the system(s), and to encourage them to speak out on issues and services in the system based on their own experiences. The SYICCN strives to offer services to all of Saskatchewan’s youth in care and/or custody by working closely with regional departments of social services, the foster families association and many other youth friendly agencies. Many of our adult supporters come from these professions.
Most of all we are a “by youth, for youth” organization. All of our members, staff, and some of our volunteers are people who are currently in or have had experience with child welfare, foster care, and young offender systems.
Our guiding principles encourage youth to assume positive roles in their lives and in their communities. The SYICCN strives to accomplish these goals through peer mentoring, adult support, fairness, fun, and friendship.
Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network Inc.
Cornwall Professional Building
510-2125 11th Ave.
Regina, SK S4P 3X3
Tel: 1.306.522.1533
Fax: 1.306.522.1507
Toll Free Youth Line: 1.888.528.8061
Website: www.syiccn.ca
Email: info@syiccn.ca