
POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: ONTARIO Anishinaabe Abinoojii – Supports to Continuing Education for Crown Wards – http://www.aafs.ca/supports-to-continuing-education-for-crown-wards Has a list of financial supports that former Crown wards are eligible for, including...


POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: MANITOBA Crossroads Learning Centre – http://www.crossroadslearning.ca/bursaryscholarship-info.html Though these sources of funding may not be specific to youth in/from care, the Crossroads Learning Centre has a comprehensive list of...


POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: SASKATCHEWAN ​University of Regina – Former Youth From Care Access Tuition Entrance...

British Columbia

POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: BRITISH COLUMBIA Adoptive Families Association of BC – https://www.bcadoption.com/other-scholarships-and-bursaries Their website has a list of scholarships available for post-secondary education for youth in/from care, and also includes...


POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: ALBERTA Advancing Futures Bursary – http://www.humanservices.alberta.ca/family-community/15616.html Offered by over 370 institutions in Alberta, this bursary supports current and former youth in care to pursue upgrading, a trade,...

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