
POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: YUKON Yukon College – Prochazka Family Youth-In-Care Bursary -https://yukoncollege.yk.ca/student_info/awards/prochazka_family_youth_in_care_bursary This bursary awards $500 to a current or former youth in care pursuing post-secondary education...

Newfoundland & Labrador

POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR  Memorial University – Richard and Lorraine Hynes Memorial Award – https://www.mun.ca/regoff/calendar/sectionNo=SCHO-0005 This award provides $3,000 for students who have been in foster care but have not...

Prince Edward Island

POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Grants, Bursaries, and Awards – https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/topic/grants-bursaries-and-awards Though these supports may not be specific to youth in/from care, this website offers a list of scholarships and...

Nova Scotia

POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: NOVA SCOTIA Aberdeen Health Foundation – Pat Lord Post-Secondary Education Award for Pictou County Adoptees -http://aberdeenhealthfoundation.ca/patlordaward/ This scholarship provides $2,000 to youth who were in the care of the...

New Brunswick

POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: NEW BRUNSWICK Government of New Brunswick – Free Tuition Program –http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/services/services_renderer.201421.Free_Tuition_Program.html The Government of New Brunswick’s tuition program helps post-secondary...


POST-SECONDARY SUPPORTS: QUEBEC As of right now, we’re still looking for post-secondary supports for youth in/from care in Quebec. If you’re familiar with any forms of post-secondary support for youth in and from care in Quebec, let us...