We believe in allowing youth the opportunity to reclaim their own power, access their own resources, and take positive control over their lives. To this end, we support youth in care to share their own stories strategically and have developed many resources that youth and supporters alike can use to assist in their journey.
We also conduct qualitative research on specific issues that are important to youth in care, to produce resources that youth and supporters alike can use to advocate for positive improvements.
Please find below a list of resources available for post-secondary supports across Canada:
Provincial/Territorial Child and Youth Advocates
Newfoundland and Labrador – Jackie Lake Kavanagh (jackielakekavanagh@ocya.nl.ca)
Nova Scotia – William (Bill) Smith (Ombudsman@novascotia.ca)
New Brunswick – Norman J. Bossé (advocate-defenseur@gnb.ca)
Quebec – Brigitte Lagacé (jeunesse@cdpdj.qc.ca)
Ontario – Ontario Child Advocate is closed. Contact the Ontario Ombudsman Children/Youth Unit at cy-ej@ombudsman.on.ca
Manitoba – Daphne Penrose (dpenrose@childsadvocate.mb.ca)
Saskatchewan – Lisa Broda (contact@saskadvocate.ca)
Alberta – Del Graff (del.graff@gov.ab.ca)
British Columbia – Jennifer Charlesworth (rcy@rcybc.ca)
Yukon – Annette King (annette.king@ycao.ca)
Nunavut – Jane Bates (contact@rcynu.ca)
Prince Edward Island – Michele Dorsey (voiceforchildren@gov.pe.ca)